Hi me and my husband has thought about this for a while, you know keeping a diary of the ups and downs of depression and how it effects people, i know this is a subject that people dont talk about whether it is because they dont want to know and they have just shut themselves away from it and ignore it or whether they are prehaps worried about what a person with depression will do. I mean people with depression dont seem to get a good publicity with the press, as soon as something bad happens the press are soon there saying that these people have suffered or are being treated for depression, then everyone just thinks that all depressives are complete lunatics that want to harm people. In the real world though there are alot of people and alot of them men that suffer that are just really lonely, worried, and sad. You know you can have lots of people around you and still feel very lonely.
My husband has suffered with depression since around age of 15 but the true symptons didnt start to show until we got together at the ages of 19 - 20 yrs. Neither of us understood then what was happening, we just both assumed that we were going through a tough patch at what was the beginning of our relationship. We both knew that there was something special between us so we stuck by each other determinded to see the bad times through. Between 6 to 12 months of us being together, my husbands parents realised that there was something else wrong so they decided to contact the docters for some advice.
The docter told them that from what they had said it seemed very likely that he was suffering from depression, but without my husband going to the docters himself there was nothing else that could be done. Eventually after coming to terms to the fact that he could be suffering from depression he went to the docters and got the help he most desparately needed. At last we had a slight understanding of what was going on and why we were suffering in our relationship.