Thursday, 10 February 2011

The Black Dog

      I have suffered from depression since I was fourteen and yes a man. Men are more likely not to talk about depression and especially to other men. At some point in your life you will meet someone who has depression or even see it yourself, and its only then you realise how much this disease ‘clinical depression’ affects home life and it is not always easy to live with.
  Depression is a complex thing, and you often hear people say get a life and get over it, but when you have depression it’s not just that easy to just get a life and get over it, your brain races at a hundred miles per hour analysing every little detail, trying to find the negative in anything you do. It seems to drag you in and pull you down to the point where you don’t want to get up, and you want to stay in bed all day. You don’t want to meet anybody and you just want to stay in your own little bubble, but it can still get darker to the point that you see no future. This is why I call it the BLACK DOG, you always feel like you are being chased by depression where it wants to drag you down where it is dark and dangerous.
  Life is not easy, and you only get one go at it. One minute you can be happy, then the next minute you feel like you have been swallowed by a black hole, with no way of getting out.
I am a very lucky man that has a family that tries to understand but again it must still be hard on them.
 My wife and me have set up this Blog so it gives us a way of talking and hopefully letting people (especially men ) know that it’s not a taboo subject and that’s it’s ok to talk about your feelings even if you do end up crying.

1 comment:

  1. i just wanted to say hello. My family has an awful history of depression. Maybe i will email one day as too much public comment. but i wish you happiness, support, and comfort. xxxxxx
